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Home Remedy to Flush Out Kidney Stones
Kidney Stone -Flush Out with Home remedy
Non-surgical method is used successfully to cure 80% kidney stones. Any home remedy is capable of dissolving and flushing out these stones in 24 hours. Concoction of olive oil and lemon juice is a good kidney stone flush remedy.
Kidney Stone Homeremedy can be used to flush all types and sizes of stones. Read on to know more about this kidney stone remedy.
Harrowing pain in the flank, lower abdomen and groin, constant urge to urinate, urine color changing into pink, red or brown, intense pain on urination, nausea and vomiting and fever and chills, if an infection is present are indications of formation of kidney stones.
Genetic factors, dehydration, being a man, an adult and obese, certain diets, certain diseases and surgery and certain medical conditions may combine to cause ureterolithiasis, as kidney stones are called in medical parlance.
CT.scan, ultra sound, x-ray, blood tests, microscopic study of urine, urine culture test, 24 hour urine collection and catching of passed stones at home are the techniques used in diagnosis. Stones of different types such as calcium, struvite, uric acid, cystine and other rarer types can be detected by testing the stones, blood test and urine test.
There are many home remedies for flushing out kidney stones through urine like asparagus, fruits and vegetables with potassium citrate, lemonade, green, orange juice, citric acid and cranberry juice. Drinking a fresh mixture of olive oil and lemon juice(3ounces each) before going to bed and drinking 10 glasses of water till you pass the stones is one of the best flush home remedies
Home Remedy for Kidney Stone Pain
Home Remedy for Kidney Stone Pain
Do you experience excruciating pain in the flank, lower abdomen and groin, pain on urination and persistent urge to urinate? Don't be perturbed as there is an effective home remedy which can dissolve kidney stones into sludge or break them into tiny particles and flush them out through urine within 24 hours. Read on to know more about home remedy for kidney stone pain.
Nausea and vomiting, pink, red or brown urine, running a temperature and having chills, if an infection is present are also symptoms of ureterolithiasis. No single cause can be attributed to the formation of kidney as many factors combine to cause them.

The symptoms of kidney stones spring from causes such as dehydration, family or personal history, certain diets, being a man, an adult and obese, digestive diseases and surgery and other medical conditions.
Microscopic study of urine, blood tests, urine culture test, x-ray, CT.scan, ultra sound, 24 hour urine collection and catching of passed stones at home by urinating through a tea strainer for later examination and evaluation by a doctor are the techniques used in diagnosis.
Testing the stone itself, blood test and urine test are helpful in ascertaining whether the stones are calcium, struvite, uric acid, cystine or other rarer types of kidney stones.
One cherry remedy is one of the best remedies for kidney stone removal. You can take black, yellow or red cherries. For removing uric acid kidney stones, a daily regimen of eating one-half pound of cherries a day is suggested for kidney stone pain.
Do you want to be cured by Nature ?
Nature can cure all diseases ,but you should allow her to do so .If you know how to allow nature to dissolve & pass your kidney stones ,your stones will be vanished in less than 24 hours.
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